KNRM Solutions is a tribal enterprise of the Kizh Nation - Gabrieleno Brand of Mission Indians. Our goals are two-fold:
1) to provide our own archaeological and environmental team to help find, document and protect the tribe’s cultural resources while working with our own AB52 cultural experts, and
2) to provide assistance to other tribes to aid in the protection of their resources while working with their tribal cultural experts.
KNRM Solutions is your one-stop solution for all of your CEQA and NHPA-Section 106 needs. Additionally, because we are an enterprise of the Gabrieleno Band of Mission Indians we can also support your NAGPRA, CalNAGPRA and AB52 needs as well. (A tribe can have archaeologists, but an archaeology company can not fulfill AB52 needs because they are not a tribe, even of they hire Native archaeologists).
John Torres is an enrolled member of the Navajo Nation, a certified member for the Registry of Professional Archaeologists (RPA), a Laboratory of Anthropology Research Associate, a member of the Society for American Archaeology. He has over 35 years of experience in Indigenous Archaeology and resources compliance oversight, throughout the American Southwestern, Great Basin and California.
John A. Torres, PI and Lead Archaeologist
Our archaeological team has experience in American Southwest, Great Basin and California coastal and desert archaeology.